
Gong Xi Fa Chai has been quite a while i check on my own blog. It needs serious updating to do.

I think i'll do it soon after all this economic crisis over. Am not talking about the global economic crisis here....but personal economic,hu,hu

Damn....too many mistakes, wrong moves and bad choices.

Need to be stress free before i start cloning my thoughts again.

Btw, listen to this music by Eric Johnson. The sound and melody is very therapeutic - sort of calming effect to your mind. A good way to de-stress. Very effective. It works for me.

Need to brag a bit here; back in the mid 90's - I used to jam the tune by myself with my MIDI gear backing me up - it got me into some sort of 'in trance' mode. And during that state of mind, i felt like i could do the guitar riff note by note. I thought i played better than Eric Johnson himself. ....huhu...really love that feeling.

Anyway wish all Gong Xi Fa Chai. Thanks for visiting this blog.


Anonymous said...

hey dude....luv that tune too dude.

betul lah lu cakap..ada calming effect. tapi wa listen after few shots of stoli. ..ergh...

hey cheers dude. jom kita jam...let the good times roll....hick up....

Anonymous said...

bro...this is far from the usual serious stuff you wrote. what's goin on with you.

but it's refreshing. i like that.
