
Into the world of cloned consciousness.

If the Genome project would provide us with knowledge that could make it possible for humankind to clone their physical being, the cyberspace on the other hand is the closest we can get thus far in our capability to clone our consciousness. Although there are some limitations to it but the cyberspace is the place where most people find comfortable to pour out their emotions and ideas and at times share with others their deepest secret and innermost thoughts in full sincerity. As these happen, human conscious thoughts are being modelled into byte sizes and ‘trans-wired’ into its cyber dimensional form in the cyber world. That in turn would create a world of its own. It is the world where the mind speaks. It is the world of replicated human conscious thoughts. It is the world of cloned consciousness.



Anonymous said...

Hmm...I guess it is ok if that's how you see it.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.