Emotion is a chemical state of the brain. When emotion is running high, it is this chemical in the brain that inhibits one’s higher cognitive capabilities. This will then hamper our capability of rational thoughts – a situation whereby mental processes are being clouded by our uncontrollable emotions or prejudice.
There’s no doubt that during an election fever, due to its intense nature, some people would get emotionally charged up as the level of adrenalin flow in their bloodstreams shoots up. Thus it would be very crucial for the participants (especially the big guns and heavyweights) from all political parties to maintain their ‘sane emotional level’ so that they are able to remain rational lest they make fatal mistake in their strategy, decisions and/or actions that would cost them their votes.
For this coming 12th GE, the wobbly grouping of oppositions, have again (as usual) set their ultimate objective to break the formidable BN 2/3 majority. No matter how far-fetched their goal may seem to be, this time they’ve pact together by endorsing the declaration made by few individuals which then claimed to be the ‘People’s Declaration’. It may seem as a desperate move, but at least they are trying.
Each of them has come up with separate slogans and/or promises i.e. welfare state, to reduce oil price, release ISA detainees etc. But in order for them to deliver that promises, they must first win 2/3 majority and form a government.
Unfortunately, the funny part is they themselves know that it is impossible for them to form a government on their own considering the number of Parliamentary seats each of them is contesting. Basically, what they are doing is that they are making empty promises. Beyond doubt, they are truly brilliant in scheming up with such cheap ploy.
However, they must not forget that underestimating the people’s intelligence is an insult to the people.
Politic of Hate
In the case of DAP; in trying to wrestle Penang, they have sinisterly siren-up their war cry - ‘A vote for BN is a vote for UMNO’.
After a short while, Lim Guan Eng came with this statement:
"The DAP is even willing to support Gerakan in the state assembly to ensure the Penang Chief Minister's post does not fall to Umno,"
It may seem as a creatively crafted strategy (probably by their Central Policy and Strategic Planning Commission), however this sinister tactic is sending out a not so rosy but rather ‘racy’ message with ominous racial undertone.
What if PAS were to come with a statement such as; ‘PAS is willing to support UMNO in the state assembly to ensure the Penang Chief Minister’s post does not fall to Gerakan’.
Would it not be a chauvinistic statement that propagates hate and racial prejudice?
An organisation who claimed to be championing equality among races and against racial politic and but yet again playing their dirty racial game of prejudice at the same time – what else if they are not true hypocrites!
The strategy to garner votes with the assumption made that the voters are racist is an outright insult to the voters themselves.
Hopefully, no matter how orthodox PAS is, they would not stoop as low as DAP exploiting racial sentiment. It would definitely make them look like hideous hypocrites if they were to adopt such repulsive political culture.
Incidentally, is it not that Uncle Kit who is the chairman of their Strategic Planning Commission?
It is no surprise that a Malaysian surgeon in the US who is also a regular guest columnist of Malaysia-Today, Bakri Musa, has labelled him as racial provocateur.
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lim_Kit_Siang. Musa, M. Bakri (2007). Towards A Competitive Malaysia.: Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, 79. ISBN 978-983-3782-20-8)
Perhaps this is the sickness which psychologist categorised as ‘unconscious racism’. The only different is - such deplorable act as the above was done with conscience.
Walk The Talk
It is a good thing that the opposition try to emulate the US Democrat presidential candidate Barrack Obama, in making full use of ICT in their political campaign and fund raising.
Just like Obama, DAP as well as the other oppositions; put the issue of transparency as one of the main agenda. Obama says he believes in transparency and he releases his tax return just to prove he has nothing to hide. His honesty has so far paid off. He is now in the lead.
However the sad part is, unlike Obama, DAP and the rest of the oppositions never prove anything.
Anybody can say anything they want especially if they are in desperate need to win votes. Even if we were to ask VK Linggam whether he believes in transparency; his probable answer might be - correct, correct, correct.
Perhaps DAP and/or PKR leader/s should take the initiative to convince the people that they truly believe in what they say and say what they mean rather than bore the people to death with their usual empty political rhetoric.
It is a fact that the BN is a multiracial political organisation – a time tested model of fourteen parties representing certain community working together and unites under one organisation.
Conversely, besides the PKR’s multiracial model, DAP (despite whatever it claims to be) and PAS are not multiracial. However one can find that they all share a common theme in calling for unity in their publicity campaign against the BN. It is unthinkable that they expect the people to believe in the thing that they preach while they themselves can’t even do just that – unite as one.
Have they not insulted the people enough?
Perhaps the DAP has come up with the perfect slogan – Just change it! This is excellent and the timing is perfect - it’s time to change the opposition. Malaysia is in serious need of one strong opposition that can measure up the formidable BN for a better and healthy democracy. That is the way forward toward better future.
The people have had enough of the weak, ineffective and incompetent oppositions who are good for nothing and incapable for anything good. They have nothing better to do other than ranting empty political rhetoric and making patronizing remarks that viciously insult the people.
Hopefully in this coming 12th GE, whatever the peoples’ decision maybe – it is for better future for all Malaysian with continuing Security, Peace and Prosperity. Woof out!
This article can be viewed at;
Malaysia_Today( http://www.malaysia-today.net/2008/content/view/3736/36/)
Malaysiakini (http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/79269 )
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